St. Mark’s returned to labor this week by honoring its Past Masters at their Stated Communication. Pictured above are just some of the many men that served the Lodge as Master since 1826, and as some have passed to the Celestial Lodge above their Special Lady stood in their stead to be honored.
The evening started off with a wonderful meal and a great time of fellowship. While dinner was being prepped and enjoyed the opportunity was taken to have new photos taken of our Past Masters to fill in some of the holes in our collection.
After dinner the program moved up to the Lodge Room where Rt. Worship Brother Joseph Beaumont was received along with his suite of Past Masters.
The first order of business was the presentation of the Letters Temporary to St. Mark’s Lodge from Dad George Baldwin, Executive Officer for the Order of DeMolay.

Pictured above are just some of the members of the Advisory Council who recently completed their training and will be working with Dad Baldwin to plan a number of activities to help get the word out and generate interest about Derry Chapter, Order of DeMolay.
Pictured above is one of the many highlights of the evening. Long time member and Lodge stalwart Bro. Richard Nelson being announced as an Honorary Past Master of St. Mark’s Lodge and receiving his apron from Rt. Worship Brother Beaumont.
Worshipful Nelson’s family was in attendance including his son and grandson (both members of St. Mark’s as well).
To close out the program our Senior Past Master at the event, Worshipful Brother Robertson, and our Junior Past Master, Worshipful Brother Richard Nelson, removed the ribbon and officially opened the Past Masters’ Lounge.
The room had been used as office space while the Community Care Givers had occupied part of the building, and thanks to the work of Worshipful Brother David McClane and Brother Guy Joyce, it is now a fitting tribute to our Past Masters.

Pictured above is Worshipful George Chapman, checking out the interior.
Following the unveiling Lodge members returned to the Lodge room for a short business meeting while guests were invited to return to the dining hall for dessert and a presentation on Eastern Star.
Worshipful Garcia and the members of St. Mark’s Lodge would like to thank all those that helped to make the event a success.
Photo credit: Brother Joseph Rubin and Wor. Brother McClane. Be sure to check out additional pictures on our facebook page.