At the annual visitation of St. Mark’s Lodge, Rt. Worshipful Joseph Beaumont (pictured at left) presented Worshipful Scot Newbury (right) the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award in recognition of his service to both the Fraternity and Scouting.
From the Scouting BSA website:
The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is an honor due to members of the Masonic Lodge who act as role models and provide dedicated service to the young men in the BSA. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award not only supports the Masonic relationship through the man who brought Scouting to America, but proclaims the integrity of the recipient who is honored by receiving the award.
You can read more about this award at their website.
Wor. Newbury is the first recipient of this award from St. Mark’s.