The Worshipful Master, officers, and members of St. Mark’s Lodge would like to thank all those that attended our Masonic Veterans program this weekend.
Among those honored were Cathy DiCampo of Derry News for her service to the community with the Community Builders award. Ms. DiCampo was not able to be present to receive the award and it will be presented at a future date. She is heavily involved with the Derry News Santa Fund which takes in toys, clothing, food, and funds, to help those in the area.
The focus of the program then shifted to honoring our Masonic Veterans for the time they have given to the fraternity. Bro. George Hause was presented a 60 year certificate from Most Worshipful John Gordon, Grand Master of New Hampshire. In addition, Brother Thomas Latham and Brother David Drowne were also honored and were presented with 25 year pins by Worshipful McClane, Master of St. Mark’s Lodge.
Finally, Most Worshipful John Gordon presented Wor. Scot Newbury with the Major General John Sullivan Distinguished Service Award in Bronze. The award was in recognition for the service Wor. Newbury has given, and continues to give, to the Lodge and his community

Pictured above, Most Worshipful John Gordon (left) and Wor. Scot Newbury
Following the award ceremony the Pawtuckaway Beekeepers’ Association, who recently removed the bee colony from one of our columns, gave a presentation on bees and beekeeping.
Finally, a special thanks to Brothers Jeremy Ledoux and Guy Joyce for heading up the kitchen crew and providing a lasagna dinner with all the trimmings which was enjoyed by all.