At the April Stated Communication of St. Mark’s Lodge, the members were a bit surprised to see the Grand Master of New Hampshire attend their meeting along with the District No. 2 officers. The true nature of the visit came at the end of the evening when M∴W∴ Daniel R. Hotchkiss presented W∴B∴ Jeremy A. Ledoux with the Major General John Sullivan Award in Bronze for all his hard work and commitment to not only his Lodge but Freemasonry as a whole.
Please be sure to congratulate W∴B∴ Ledoux when you see him next.
(pictured left to right, Brother Alexander J. Newbury (filling in as Worshipful Master), M∴W∴ Daniel R. Hotchkiss, Grand Master of New Hampshire, W∴B∴ Jeremy A. Ledoux, R∴W∴ Richard L. Johnston, DDGM, R∴W∴ Timothy R. Marotte, DDGL)